
Friday, August 12, 2011

I Think I'm Going Out of My Head

Crikey! This morning the word "whose" popped into my head and for the life of me, I could not remember how it is used!  Took what seemed ten minutes before I could figure it out.  All I could think of was how to use "who's".  Finally, I got it right and had to repeat "Who is = who's"  and "belonging to, possessive = whose" about three times before I really had it again.   This reminds me of the time I could not figure out how to spell "if".  Not a clue.  It, too, finally came to me.   In both cases, when the problem arose, it was like the words just popped into my mind unrelated to anything I was thinking or doing and I was totally blank as to the answer.  I wonder if these are just random firings or what.  Weird. 
The mind is a terrible thing to waste--oops! Too late!

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