
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lost Week-end

I hate days like today.  First, I got to bed about 3am, tossed and turned with aches and pains until about 6 and then slept like a log until 11.  So half the day was gone when I crawled out of bed.  Then I spent a long time cooking dinner--stuffed pork chops.  I cooked those for almost two hours but they did not cook done.  Anyway, the meal was a huge flop.  And I was faced with a ton of dishes.  And so it went.  I dozed off twice.  And here it is bedtime and I never even got out of my pjs today!!! I feel as if the day was lost.  At my age, I cannot afford to lose too many days.

On the up side, DB moved a large shrank from the family room into the living room to where the piano used to be.  I got rid of most of the contents of the shrank and it will now hold my quilts.  This makes the family room less crowded with furniture.   And it also leaves a blank wall where the shrank used to be.  I think I will hang a quilt there and make that a little reading area.   My problem is I don't have many small quilts.  My quilting projects have a tendency to grow.  I once had to cut one back to 10 ft. x 10 ft. so it could fit on a king size quilting machine!!  So now I need one at least 5ft. by 5ft.   but not so large as most of the ones I already have.  I may have to make a new one. 

On a totally unrelated topic, it was great to see Gabby Giffords made it to the Capitol building today, although I cannot say I approve of the way she voted.  What a miracle she is.  Way to go, gal. 
How her life changed in just a blink of the eye.

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