
Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Twilight Zone ala Golden Earring.  (Audio, no video, but worth the listen, especially the last half)  Much, much better with earphones.  Golden Earring is a Dutch group.  Some of the early members have left and been replaced and GE's sound has taken a turn for the worse. This is an earlier recording with the original group.
This was an enormously talented band. 

I think "Twilight Zone" and the Eagles'  "Hotel California" have some of the best instrumentation in rock. The drum here is especially well played. 

When I hear "Twilight Zone" I am tranported back to the early 1980s on Tarague Beach, Guam.  This is one of my most favorite places in the world.  I would go to the beach about supper time when it was empty.  I was in my own perfect world with beach towel, headphones and music, a book and a coke.  I would have Twilight Zone blasting over and over again.  It doesn't get any better. I never tired of picking out the many layers of orchestration in that song.   I am not a huge fan of GE's other music although I can listen to it. 

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