
Monday, August 22, 2011

Bloggin' Babe

I am on a roll!  I have created two other blogs on other blog sites, providers or whatever they are called.  One is public and the other private.   I find this blog was the easiest to set up, but I am still learning.  I am really trying to get the mechanics of blogging down, and decide what I do and do not like regarding creating and maintaining a blog.  So far, DB is my only follower and he doesn't count because he follows out of spousal loyalty.  I started to say "fealty"--I just finished book 5 of the "Game of Thrones" :-) Anyway, I have several ideas for blogging that I will try once I get the process down pat.  By then, blogging will probably be replaced by some other form of communication!

Speaking of forms of communication, I have been back on facebook about a month and am already sick of it.   I  don't know how much longer I will use it.   Besides, when I got back on this time, I said it would be only for family and "adopted" family, but it is pretty hard to ignore friend requests from other people without offending them.  That being said, I have been glad to hear from a couple old friends.  But facebook has a way of growing.  I hate all the emails I receive, notifying me that someone I do not know, who is a friend of someone else I do not know, posted a comment on someone else's wall.  There is no end to it!! I guess I just am not that interested in all this chatter.  And it also is too time consuming.  If I am on the computer, I would rather be doing other things.  I spend way to much time on the computer without facebook.  With facebook, I feel obligated to check on postings, etc.
My only satisfaction is knowing those friends of someone I do not know who posted comments on the wall of someone else I do not know , who posted on someone else's wall, will be getting emails telling them I posted on someone's wall and are getting as irritated about the emails as I am.  Can you follow that??  I think I even lost myself in the mumble jumble.

I wonder if, in the old days, Indians had the same issues when using smoke signals.  Picture a series of mountain peaks with an Indian on each.  Now think of them trying to answer all of each other's smoke signals! Endless.  Before they know it, the buffalo herd has gone too far away to hunt, night is falling, winter is coming and the teepee still needs to be moved, and those Indians have frittered away all their time waving blankets over their signal fires.

Or jungle drums.  Or...

Remember the Tower of Babel?  Now you know what really happened there.

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