
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We recently placed a carry out order at Applebee's for two burgers and two orders of onion rings. When we got home we found we each got exactly three small onion rings. The largest ring was about two inches in diameter. I wasn't expecting a blooming onion, but what the heck?  And on top of that, the rings tasted like Sonics.  Not good. What a rip off.  This just rubbed me the wrong way.   Someone had to fill that order and had to know what they put in it.  So either they were negligent or the restaurant's serving is inadequate.  I know they do not give big servings of onion rings at Applebee's because I have seen them delivered to other people's tables when I have been eating inside.  But, this is ridiculous.  I was so irked, I called the manager and complained and he just mumbled something, but no "sorry", no explanation, nothing.  Then I wrote the corporate headquarters.  (Told you I was mad!)  This was Saturday night.  Today I get a couldn't -be -sorrier letter from the manager of the local restaurant, offering free burgers and onion rings. Coincidence?  I think not.

 It is pathetic when you have to write a letter to corporate headquarters to get an appropriate, if most likely insincere, reaction from the manager.  All I wanted was a decent sized order of onion rings the first time around.  If they are only going to serve three small rings per order, they should print it on the menu.  I do not think my expectations were unreasonable, especially at the price they want for onion rings.   No wonder restaurants go out of business.  Unfortunately, in our town, we do not have a decent restaurant...certainly not a good local one,  and the chains are inferior to the ones elsewhere.  

We also only have one theater, which is so filthy, we do not go to it. You can feel and hear your shoes sticking to the floor when you move your feet.  I am afraid to put my purse or coat down. I fear I will bring home roaches or bedbugs or some other vermin.  So we go elsewhere if we want to see the same movie that is playing about two miles from home. We drive  45-110 miles for dinner and a movie. 

No wonder so many people from here go out of town for food and entertainment, putting tax money into communities other than our own and creating employment for those communities.  We never have a night out in our own town and that is too bad. One should expect more in a town of 46,000 people.

So what is the problem?  Lousy help?  Lousy pay?  Attitude?   It may be a combination of things.

Worse yet, is our town is a medical hub for people in the north central and northwest part of the state.  Some drive all the way from the far reaches of the panhandle to use our services.  I cannot but wonder what they think of our restaurants and theater and general lack of amenities.  Yes, I guess we probably have more than they have, but quantity does not equate with quality, apparently.

This town  cannot keep good young professionals.  Local kids have to leave to get ahead.  Part of this is common to a lot of small towns, but I have been to smaller towns than ours that thrive and seem to offer so much more.  We need to reinvent ourselves in many ways, not just in the field of entertainment offerings. 
So this is the complaint.  Not sure what the answer is, but I do know that if there is no change, the town will decline and die.