
Monday, September 23, 2013

End of the Summer Whine

It has been a long time since I have written anything on this blog.  The main reason I created it was just to learn to blog.  But I think I may start posting to it again now that summer is beginning to fade and I am indoors a bit more. 

Speaking of the fading of my favorite season, my summer plants are starting to look a bit scraggly so I have been trying to find plants that will do well in pots and stay green and bloom most of the winter here in my neck of the woods. That means they have to survive a couple of ice storms, some snow, and drought.  I have come to the conclusion that instead of getting these plants at a nursery, perhaps a trip to Hobby Lobby would be better!  Oh, how I dread fall and winter. 

    I think I will take the window coverings off in my sewing room to let in as much sunshine as possible this winter. Of course then, my neighbors would probably appreciate my not sewing in my underwear.

   The table for the diy quilting table project I created for DB is on its way.  I suppose that means I have to try  to clean and make some order in the sewing room which is currently in a bit of disarray.   One nice thing about having a small sewing room is it stays so crowded no one else ever wants to enter it.  I can find my way through it in the dark without stubbing a toe or cracking a hip bone (good thing at my age), but few others, except maybe 
my granddaughters, want to venture in there.

   I would think that for a small kid the room would be a wonder.  No end of things to see and so many colors and textures.   Small kid, nothing. That is what I love about it, too.  Thanks to DB's handy work, it seems really fabulous to me, except for its size.  But considering I, like most women, had to sew and quilt on the dining room table for years, I feel pretty lucky to have what I have...including DB, who has made so much what I have possible.  And I am not just speaking about material (no pun intended) things.

   I have decided DB should be cloned.  If all kids had a dad like him, I have a feeling the world would be in much better shape.  Alas, I refuse to let him set out to prove me right!!! That reminds me, I am getting ready to quilt a simple quilt I made him that consists of different fabrics with cheesecake pictures.   I think I will name it (quilters always name their quilts) "Allowed to Sleep with Other Women" because those are the only other women DB is allowed to sleep with.