
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My take on the Government Stand Off

Time for a rant. I am not going to proofread this because I know it will be long, so if you bother to read it at all, just assume all the misspellings, errors in grammar, etc. are due to my just plopping this down.

Hope those idiots on both sides, but especially the Dems and the idiot in the White House come to an agreement soon. There has to be a limit on our debt. And if the stock market d
rops because of this, we may see a depression that makes the Great Depression look like a mere recession. We cannot go on making temporary budgets. At the same time, now is not the time to increase the debt ceiling and institute a health program that will cost us all so much. (Yes, I know the Unaffordable Health Care Act is Law, but as such, it needs to apply to all or none. And it needs to be delayed while it is reviewed and some kinks are worked out. Of course, if Congress had actually read the act prior to passing it, and we had not allowed Congress to pass it just to push through a liberal agenda as quickly as possible, we would not be debating Obama Care now.) Common sense should tell us that is no way to run a personal or government budget. The only solution is to cut federal spending and to rigorously promote private sector jobs and get every able bodied person working. Everyone who can has to work to help enrich themselves and the economy.  

 Almost all government, national and international issues work basically like personal issues, only on a grander scale. I do not know why people cannot figure out why more government and more government jobs does anything but hurt the economy. How does spending one's own money to pay workers grow one's wealth?? Well, the answer of course is it does not. And borrowing more money just increases one's debt. And borrowing from one' s enemy just gives the enemy a foothold in controlling your life. And when you are deeply in debt, you do not go and buy something that will not only increase that debt, but which your grandkids will have to help pay for most of their lives. And creating more money to cover this just devalues the money. Our creditors will not want to invest in us and our credit rating will nose dive. And we do not want to declare bankruptcy because that opens another can of worms which will necessitate even more cut backs and make us appear even more irresponsible (which we would be) and make it difficult to get the things we really need. This all seems simple to me. Admittedly, it is a bit more complex when applied to government, but basically the same. So if the average person of any intelligence can see this, why can't Congress and those advocates of the liberal economic agenda??

 So who is to blame for all this mess? WE are. We are for demanding government provide us with everything. We are for confusing luxuries and non-essentials with necessities. We are for electing people who cannot balance a budget because they are more concerned about their positions of power than what is best for the country. We are for encouraging several generations who think the rest of us are responsible for giving them everything instead of their working for it and thereby shrinking the tax base needed to support necessary government programs. That is why we do not have the money to pay those who truly cannot help themselves, or those who are trying to work but cannot find jobs that pay enough for basic sustenance.

  No one wants to see those who actually cannot take care of themselves, suffer. But the problem is spending on unneeded programs, supporting those who can support themselves, and enlarging government, just means in the end, everyone suffers. Socialism is for dreamers and not a practical solution. And who in their right mind wants more government control over their lives? Anytime you become dependent on someone or something else, you are giving up your own ability to be independent.   If you allow your parents to buy your house, buy your food, buy your clothes, etc., your parents control your life. Isn't that one reason most kids can hardly wait to leave home when they grow up?? Same with the government.

  A free society has to put independence from government control whenever possible as a priority. Of course there is a role for government. We want controls that enable us to travel more efficiently (roads, airlines, etc) and which protect business and commerce. We want enforcement of the Constitution so all US citizens (emphasis on CITIZENS and people here LEGALLY) get equal treatment and opportunity under the law. And we want equal opportunity. But even these things, as do all rights, come with limits. No one gets total independence and total rights. No society could be a society like that. But if we abrogate our personal responsibilities to the government, then we are at its mercy and lose choice and personal control over our lives. And no one wins.

 I hear people point out European models. Well, guess what? Europeans pay enormously high taxes with little income left for discretionary spending. And having lived in Europe, it is my observation that they do not care about personal rights as much as Americans do. Perhaps because they have never had the personal freedoms we have. They are more pragmatic about government. That is okay. It is their choice. But personal freedoms are what has built this country into the leading nation it is.   And, I for one, have no desire not to be on top of the heap among nations because that helps ensure that we can maintain our way of life and not be subject to other nations, such as the Chinese. That is why we must pay off our foreign debt and control the domestic debt.
Okay. I am done. If you disagree, you are just plain wrong, but you have the right to disagree. Except on my blog.  Rant on your own blog.

Oh, and a postscript. Not everyone who opposes Obama Care is an ignorant redneck and wants to see people suffer. Not everyone who is opposed to responsible, sane people being allowed to own guns is a redneck baby killer. Not everyone in the South is uneducated. Not everyone who opposes the idiot in the White House is a racist (no need to be... there are plenty of legitimate reasons to think he is a total incompetent). Not every conservative is a far right narrow minded religious reactionary. In fact, not all Conservatives are religious at all. Favoring the Constitution over Sharia law is not racism. It just means we have our own laws which govern the land.  (Besides, look how good Sharia law serves Islamic nations.  That should scare the hell out of everyone.) Being opposed to ILLEGAL immigration does not make us racists. There is a vast difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration. Wanting a strong military does not make us want war. Just the opposite. And not all conservatives think abortion belongs as an issue in a Presidential and Congressional race, no matter which side of the issue you stand on. And most conservatives are not homophobes nor do they want to repress women or their reproductive rights.  And questioning the theory that global warming, if it exists, is entirely a man made phenomenon and seeing the Kyoto Accords as a financial scam and Al Gore as a self serving idiot, does not mean we do not believe in science.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We recently placed a carry out order at Applebee's for two burgers and two orders of onion rings. When we got home we found we each got exactly three small onion rings. The largest ring was about two inches in diameter. I wasn't expecting a blooming onion, but what the heck?  And on top of that, the rings tasted like Sonics.  Not good. What a rip off.  This just rubbed me the wrong way.   Someone had to fill that order and had to know what they put in it.  So either they were negligent or the restaurant's serving is inadequate.  I know they do not give big servings of onion rings at Applebee's because I have seen them delivered to other people's tables when I have been eating inside.  But, this is ridiculous.  I was so irked, I called the manager and complained and he just mumbled something, but no "sorry", no explanation, nothing.  Then I wrote the corporate headquarters.  (Told you I was mad!)  This was Saturday night.  Today I get a couldn't -be -sorrier letter from the manager of the local restaurant, offering free burgers and onion rings. Coincidence?  I think not.

 It is pathetic when you have to write a letter to corporate headquarters to get an appropriate, if most likely insincere, reaction from the manager.  All I wanted was a decent sized order of onion rings the first time around.  If they are only going to serve three small rings per order, they should print it on the menu.  I do not think my expectations were unreasonable, especially at the price they want for onion rings.   No wonder restaurants go out of business.  Unfortunately, in our town, we do not have a decent restaurant...certainly not a good local one,  and the chains are inferior to the ones elsewhere.  

We also only have one theater, which is so filthy, we do not go to it. You can feel and hear your shoes sticking to the floor when you move your feet.  I am afraid to put my purse or coat down. I fear I will bring home roaches or bedbugs or some other vermin.  So we go elsewhere if we want to see the same movie that is playing about two miles from home. We drive  45-110 miles for dinner and a movie. 

No wonder so many people from here go out of town for food and entertainment, putting tax money into communities other than our own and creating employment for those communities.  We never have a night out in our own town and that is too bad. One should expect more in a town of 46,000 people.

So what is the problem?  Lousy help?  Lousy pay?  Attitude?   It may be a combination of things.

Worse yet, is our town is a medical hub for people in the north central and northwest part of the state.  Some drive all the way from the far reaches of the panhandle to use our services.  I cannot but wonder what they think of our restaurants and theater and general lack of amenities.  Yes, I guess we probably have more than they have, but quantity does not equate with quality, apparently.

This town  cannot keep good young professionals.  Local kids have to leave to get ahead.  Part of this is common to a lot of small towns, but I have been to smaller towns than ours that thrive and seem to offer so much more.  We need to reinvent ourselves in many ways, not just in the field of entertainment offerings. 
So this is the complaint.  Not sure what the answer is, but I do know that if there is no change, the town will decline and die.

Monday, September 23, 2013

End of the Summer Whine

It has been a long time since I have written anything on this blog.  The main reason I created it was just to learn to blog.  But I think I may start posting to it again now that summer is beginning to fade and I am indoors a bit more. 

Speaking of the fading of my favorite season, my summer plants are starting to look a bit scraggly so I have been trying to find plants that will do well in pots and stay green and bloom most of the winter here in my neck of the woods. That means they have to survive a couple of ice storms, some snow, and drought.  I have come to the conclusion that instead of getting these plants at a nursery, perhaps a trip to Hobby Lobby would be better!  Oh, how I dread fall and winter. 

    I think I will take the window coverings off in my sewing room to let in as much sunshine as possible this winter. Of course then, my neighbors would probably appreciate my not sewing in my underwear.

   The table for the diy quilting table project I created for DB is on its way.  I suppose that means I have to try  to clean and make some order in the sewing room which is currently in a bit of disarray.   One nice thing about having a small sewing room is it stays so crowded no one else ever wants to enter it.  I can find my way through it in the dark without stubbing a toe or cracking a hip bone (good thing at my age), but few others, except maybe 
my granddaughters, want to venture in there.

   I would think that for a small kid the room would be a wonder.  No end of things to see and so many colors and textures.   Small kid, nothing. That is what I love about it, too.  Thanks to DB's handy work, it seems really fabulous to me, except for its size.  But considering I, like most women, had to sew and quilt on the dining room table for years, I feel pretty lucky to have what I have...including DB, who has made so much what I have possible.  And I am not just speaking about material (no pun intended) things.

   I have decided DB should be cloned.  If all kids had a dad like him, I have a feeling the world would be in much better shape.  Alas, I refuse to let him set out to prove me right!!! That reminds me, I am getting ready to quilt a simple quilt I made him that consists of different fabrics with cheesecake pictures.   I think I will name it (quilters always name their quilts) "Allowed to Sleep with Other Women" because those are the only other women DB is allowed to sleep with.