
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good morning, Starshine

My husband, who I fondly refer to as DB (Dearly Beloved), has the most remarkable ability to come out of a dead sleep in a cheerful mood.  He often wakes up joking.  In fact, once, coming out of an anesthetic after surgery, the first words out of his mouth were a joke.  Unfortunately, I cannot remember the joke, I just remember the nurse being surprised by it.  

I have been sleeping with him within the bounds of holy wedlock for almost forty-six years.  In all that time, I have only known him to wake up in a grumpy mood once.  And once is enough.  There is nothing pleasant about a big, burly guy waking up in a bad mood and growling at you. 

Many times his morning disposition has served to change my morning mood from blah to good. I have never heard of anything like it.  He will be sound asleep and perhaps my moving around the room will awaken him and he immediately, without skipping a beat, makes some joke. 

This carries over into other times also.  Just yesterday, he was in the shower and I went in to tell him I was going to the gym.  I opened the shower door without saying a word, and without missing a beat he spits a mouthful of shower water at me!! Of course, I quickly shut and reopened the door only to be spattered once again by another mouthful of shower water. 

My oldest grandchild once told his teacher that his grandfather was the funniest man in the world.  I have to say I tend to agree with him.  Perhaps that is how we have stayed married all these years.  I know that it is one reason I am still crazy about him.