
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Reading a friend's Facebook post reminded me there will be some disappointed kiddies who will not be able to trick or treat tomorrow due to the weather or flooding in areas hit by the big storm.  This may seem minor to us adults, considering all the damage and loss of lives caused by Hurricane Sandy, but most little ones will not be looking at the big picture.  I hope the places where the weather or flooding makes it impractical for the little ones to go out, have made other arrangements.  I know that to me as a child, and to my grandkids, Halloween is one of the most fun things of the year.   

I am sure the damage to property will have longer term affects and will also ruin the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays for many people. The holidays are probably the least of their worries if their homes or places of business have been damaged or destroyed.  That is obvious.  But, still, it is another  disruption of usual family life and one that perhaps the little ones will notice most.

For all U.S. citizens registered and intending to vote, there remains the question of whether or not people in the affected areas will be able to cast their ballots a week from today.  States depend upon electronic voting and some areas may still be without electric power Tuesday or transportation my be impossible due to flooding, fallen trees or wires, road damage, snow, etc. caused by Hurricane Sandy.  And yet  U.S. law based upon constitutional and other issues, determines voting day.  To change it, even temporarily, would require Congressional action. And we know how quickly and efficiently Congress acts.  But if problems from the storm keep  large groups of people from being able to participate in voting, something should and must be done to rectify that situation.   So here is hoping one of two things happen: either road and power conditions do not present obstacles to the vast majority of people in areas affected by the storm, or Congress has in place a plan which it will put immediately into action if the need arises. 

I also have been considering how mail will be affected by Sandy.  Despite the old  Postal Service motto, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.", it is logical to assume mail delivery, not just in the areas hit by the storm, will be interrupted.  As mail originates as well as gets delivered to the storm area, surely we shall be affected nationwide by interruptions. 

Also transportation of needed goods across the country will be affected. This could conceivably impact just about everything from food on grocery shelves to manufacturing.  The extent of the effect will depend on how quickly things get back to normal in the areas of the storm.  And already, flights in and out of some major airports have been cancelled.  I can only imagine how that will affect many people. Just think how many things depend upon meeting deadlines and reaching destinations. 

I am sure there will be books, television shows and at least one movie about "The Great Storm of The Century"--or at least let's hope this is the storm of the century and it is not outranked by another.  One thing is for sure, there will be millions of stories about the storm and there will be many lives forever changed by it. I realize most people have it within them to overcome monumental adversity.  But, all the same, my heart goes out to those who suffer because of this latest disaster.  And I am grateful my family and friends appear to be coming through it pretty much unscathed.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Trying to Type a Post for a Blog

I have noticed that for some reason, what I input here does not always read the same when published.  For example, if I use an ampersand, it appears followed by "amp;" and then the next word.   And sometimes I will see obvious typos or parts of things I wrote and deleted even though I have gone back and edited and eliminated them.   Now I am not saying I never make typos, leave out words, etc.  But it would be nice if what I write appeared the way I wrote it and if editing worked.  I think this problem is related to the same thing that caused a bunch of posts to disappear from my blog.   I wrote about that problem earlier.  Apparently Google has issues here as it does with FaceBook.  FB is so unstable.  As large as Google is, you would think they would have people who could fix these problems.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good morning, Starshine

My husband, who I fondly refer to as DB (Dearly Beloved), has the most remarkable ability to come out of a dead sleep in a cheerful mood.  He often wakes up joking.  In fact, once, coming out of an anesthetic after surgery, the first words out of his mouth were a joke.  Unfortunately, I cannot remember the joke, I just remember the nurse being surprised by it.  

I have been sleeping with him within the bounds of holy wedlock for almost forty-six years.  In all that time, I have only known him to wake up in a grumpy mood once.  And once is enough.  There is nothing pleasant about a big, burly guy waking up in a bad mood and growling at you. 

Many times his morning disposition has served to change my morning mood from blah to good. I have never heard of anything like it.  He will be sound asleep and perhaps my moving around the room will awaken him and he immediately, without skipping a beat, makes some joke. 

This carries over into other times also.  Just yesterday, he was in the shower and I went in to tell him I was going to the gym.  I opened the shower door without saying a word, and without missing a beat he spits a mouthful of shower water at me!! Of course, I quickly shut and reopened the door only to be spattered once again by another mouthful of shower water. 

My oldest grandchild once told his teacher that his grandfather was the funniest man in the world.  I have to say I tend to agree with him.  Perhaps that is how we have stayed married all these years.  I know that it is one reason I am still crazy about him.


DB and I are enjoying season 2 of "Justified".  Timothy Olyphant does a "bang up" job as Raylan Givens, but Walton Goggins (Boyd Crowder) does amazing work.  I have seen him before in bit parts and never paid much attention, but he really is good.   Actually all the actors do a good job.   Margo Martindale's character, Mags Bennett, was introduced in an episode we viewed last night and she stole the show.  We had never heard of the show before a friend gave us these discs.  Now we are hooked. 

I am sure the locale of the story adds to its appeal to us.  The stories center mostly around Harlan, Kentucky.  My parents were born in Woodbine, KY and raised in Corbin, KY.  When I was a kid and my family used to drive from Cincinnati to Florida, my dad would always talk about how rough Harlan  and Jellico were. He said a lot of folks there would just as soon kill you as not. With my mother and aunt now living in Corbin, we are pretty familiar with the area, but I have always avoided Harlan and Jellico .  So it is fun when the show refers to places we know.  So many movies take place in big cities like LA, NYC or Chicago.  I wonder if residents of those cities say things like, "Oh, I know that place!" when they watch movies which are set in their city, or does it become old hat.

I think a few years back Corbin voted to allow liquor to be sold by the drink.  It sits within two dry counties (Whitley and Knox)--three if you count North Corbin which is in Laurel County, also dry--well, moist now.  Corbin just this year voted to allow retail liquor sales.  About time. For a dry city, Corbin always had its share of drunks and I doubt they all left Whitley, Knox and Laurel  counties to get their booze. Harlan County is a moist county.  No wonder moonshine was so popular.  Anyway, the alcohol situation in the area adds to the story line of "Justified". Besides illegal liquor, the series covers just about every other type of crimes.  In fact, "Justified" often features stories about the illegal drug trade in the area.  For quite a few years, Kentucky's number one crop was marijuana, not tobacco. Now other illegal drugs, especially oxycodone (oxycontin) outsell marijuana there, I think.  It is a huge problem.

This series has sex, violence, drugs, and bad language along with interesting characters and story lines, as well as fine acting. I even like the catchy music that is played, but not overdone, as the theme to the series.   

Friday, October 19, 2012

I am sorry if my political posts offend any of my FB friends and others. If you want, unfriend me. Or do not read my blog. I will still like you personally even if I do not agree with your politics. You have the right to your opinions and I have the right to mine.

I believe we are at a very critical time in our nation's history. We are at a crossroads and stand to lose much of what has made us a world leader and great country. Not that the country is perfect but it has always been the best the world has known. I think the time has come for me to speak out a bit more about the damage that has been done by this President. I fear for the future of the country if we do not get rid of Obama and his cohorts. Not that I think Romney is a great choice, but he is a far cry better than Obama (which is not saying much) and would be a step closer to bringing us back to where we should be as a country, and farther from the socialist nanny state Obama is trying to create. On the other hand, I do not want the government to be run by far right religious zealots who I think are as screwy as left wing liberals. I still want to mainly use this blog and FB for other, non-political reasons but no longer care about being PC (some would argue I have never been PC). If I want to say how I feel, I will. I will try to refrain from doing so on your blog or FB wall but not mine. I also will exercise my right to eliminate anything you say that I might not want to see on my blog or FB wall. You, I assume will do the same with my posts you do not like.

I created this blog as a place to put down my thoughts on many things.  And so, this morning I am thinking about many things,such as Libya, the economy, etc..  You know, how Obama and the Dems have screwed things up and want to screw things up even more.   The first thing I thought about was the liberal move to deprive the military of an early vote and/or absentee voting.  What kind of people would do this?  Ungrateful, selfish bastards is who.   If  anyone should have the right to vote absentee or early, it is our military members.  They alone have earned that right.  We all have the right to select our form of government and elect our representatives.  That is a natural right.  But the military have earned the right and privilege to absentee and early voting above any other people.  This effort to eliminate their early vote was a ploy by the left who know the majority of military members are conservatives.  Just like during the Gore-Bush election, they claimed absentee ballots from military members aboard military ships could not count because they lacked a zipcode.  Never mind those ballots were from the state in which the military member was registered so could easily be counted.   This also shows just how little esteem the left really has for the very people who protect their rights to be such assholes.  And probably many of them would never be willing to serve in the military themselves. 

My second beef today is with Obamacare.  This is also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  There is a reason most people do not know it by the latter title.  That is because it neither protects patients and is anything but affordable or caring.  The Government Accounting Office even says it will drain Medicare and do away with Tri Care, which is the best coverage the military has ever had.  This will be done over time and options seniors and the military now have about their health care will be eliminated as we move to a one-size-fits none type of health care system. If you think defense is costly, just wait. This will be a ball breaker. Not to mention it probably is unconstitutional.  But then, Obama is well practiced at circumventing the Constitution. 

My biggest irritation today concerns Libya again.  Copies of communications between Ambassador Chris Stevens and the State Department have been disclosed (  In these the late Ambassador talks about the organized attacks on Western targets in Libya, including an attempted bombing of the embassy.  He states the need for more security.  Repeatedly.  Even on the day he died he was still laying out the situation in clear terms to the State Department.  These communications, along with intelligence on the ground in Libya, along with the coming of the 9/11/2001 anniversary, should have warranted an effort to beef up the protection of our embassy personnel all over the world, not just in Benghazi.  Anyone with common sense would have known what  could and did happen at the embassy in Libya on 9/11/2012. But our State Dept., under the leadership of Hilary Clinton, failed to act.  And then, after the death of four Americans in Libya, she and our dearly beloved President, played the blame shifting game for days on end, blaming some guy who produced some lame video.  (The guy obviously was an idiot but not responsible for the planned attack on the embassy.)  Once again, we heard Obama laying the blame for a terrorist attack on the US, reminiscent of his apology tour of Europe early in his administration.  I am sure that after the public airing of the communications sent by Stevens, the administration will come up with another scape goat.  That is the one thing they are good at---not accepting responsibility.   If indeed, neither Obama nor Clinton knew about the situation in Libya before the attack, then they are at the very least, totally incompetent. It is Obama's responsibility to know and Clinton's responsibility to know and to keep the President informed.  Any embassy can come under attack and if attacked by enough terrorists, there would likely be injury and/or death.   But to have all the clear signs that an attack is likely and to fail to act to prevent it is gross negligence.  I have absolutely no confidence in Obama as far as our security is concerned.  He takes credit for finding Osama Bin Laden, but indeed, Bin Laden was found due to  efforts by our military and intelligence that were put into place by George Bush.  Of course, Obama had to approve the mission.  What President would not?  Well, maybe Bill Clinton. 

 These things, along with the Fast and Furious cover up, the pouring of taxpayer money into failing green companies( ), the Acorn scandal, the unemployment rate, the pouring of money into other failing industries and the unions, the state of the economy (especially our debt to China), his policies on illegal immigration (including the lie he told about AZ law during the debate), are just a few of the reasons to dump the incompetent and dangerous Obama