
Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Cards

Is it just me or does anyone else find Hallmark cards overpriced and boring as sin?   In fact, the entire Hallmark shop here carries the most inane, boring crap at exorbitant prices.   I just returned from a trip there to buy Christmas cards for the grandkids.  One would think there would be at least one Christmas card for kids with a picture of a traditional looking Santa Claus there.  Wrong.  And why do the people who write the verses feel they have to refer to bodily functions to sell a Christmas card? I have not seen a Hallmark card I really like in years.   Because of physical problems which make it difficult for me to shop, I went ahead and purchased 7 cards for $41, and cursed myself for doing so.   I think I will start making my own cards, not because of the cost of cards, but because of the lack of quality found in so many store bought cards.  Hastings used to carry some good cards, but I haven't been there in a while.  I cannot stand the too loud music they play.  Perhaps I just do not like shopping. 

While on the subject of cards, I now refuse to send cards that have those little button batteries inside to any household with small children.  The damage those batteries do if swallowed is nightmarish.   I got along without the battery cards for more than six decades, so this is no sacrifice on my part, but does make a lot of sense.   I am surprised the cards do not come with warnings written on them.  

I think making my own cards would be an enjoyable endeavor.   Lots of quilters make them.  And I have an artist friend that sends me her own drawings in water colors and I treasure them.  And what parent would not rather have a card a child made all on his or her own, than a store bought card? The only problem with homemade cards is you have to start on New Year's Day in order to have enough to send out the following December.

 Of course, now days, e-cards are an alternative to paper cards. Some of them are really beautiful, and some really funny.  I enjoy most of them because at least my friends took the time to push the send button and send me one.   And they are fairly eco friendly if you do not count the electricity it takes to send them, or the plastic, etc. used to make the computers, and so on.

And I am sure our men and women in uniform, away from home, would appreciate any type of card.   I do think of them, especially at this season which is all about family and the longing for peace.    Any peace we have we owe to those who serve.  God bless them one and all, so say Tiny Tim and I.