
Monday, November 7, 2011

Reelin' and a-Rockin'

Photo of extensive damage done by the OK earthquakes.  Crews worked round the clock to repair damage.

Standing in the kitchen last night I heard what sounded like the roar of a train and then heard my dishes rattling in the cabinets.  DB came in breathlessly asking, "Did you feel that?"   Oklahoma has been experiencing earthquakes and aftershocks for the past couple days.  Well, we always have tremors, but these have been stronger and are beginning to catch our attention.  Fortunately, no one has been hurt and property damage has been minimal.   But the seismic activity has given me cause to reflect on how lucky we are regarding natural disasters compared to some others.  Yes, we live in tornado alley, but we also have the most advanced early warning system and tracking system in the entire world located right here in this wonderful state.  Plus we have a large underground shelter.  And tornadoes do not cover as wide an area as hurricanes, so that narrows the chances of getting hit by one.   We do not live on a major fault line, so we are not apt to get a catastrophic earthquake.   We do not live in tin shacks or weak structures like the Haitians or people of India or the Phillipines, so storms are not as apt to be as damaging.   So we can sit back and make jokes about our earthquakes, feeling pretty sure nothing too major will happen. Knock on wood.

All the tremors have brought to mind a lot of Oldies but Goodies...Carol King's "I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet" ; Chuck Berry's "Reelin' and A-Rockin'";  Bill Haley and The Comets', "Shake, Rattle and Roll" are all apropros.  Do you think earthworms, moles and other underground critters are disturbed by earth tremors? 

If I have to be anywhere when a disaster strikes, I think Oklahoma would be just about the best place to be.  That is because Okies are fast to help their neighbors.  We are just naturally friendly and no one is too far removed from anyone else in the state.  When the Murrah building was bombed, most of us either knew someone directly involved or knew someone who knew some one who was there.  We are a generous and caring people for the most part and we tend to shine when disaster hits.

The down side to all this friendliness is when you meet someone here, usually their first question is "Where do you go to church?" or "Who you rootin' for--OU or OSU?"  Or other questions that many people from other states are taken aback by.   But after being here a while, you come to realize that these are well intended inquiries, not meant to invade your privacy but to find a common ground to build a friendly relationship on.   Texans are a lot like Okies that way.  It is too bad more Northerners are not so warm and friendly.  Yep, I want to be with Okies or Texans when the going gets rough.   I think a  lot of people in the southwest, those that were born here or who have been here a long time, share some of the pioneering spirit that the early settlers had.  Most people from the region take enormous pride in their state history and love living in the younger states.  I do not know, but I would think Alaskans and maybe Hawaiians have the same spirit. 

I love Oklahoma, the southwest and the United States of America!  We rock!  Especially in OK for the past couple days.