
Saturday, April 5, 2014

I Made Him an Offer but He Refused

Dearly Beloved (DB) bought some Haagen Daz ice cream bars. He loves ice cream. Tonight, I just decided I wanted one so I went to the freezer to get one and there was only one left. I started to leave it for DB, but then decided to pig the ice cream for myself. At the time, I laughed and thought I would make up a story about a burglar breaking in and stealing the last ice cream bar. Har. Har. Then I just forgot about it all.
So hours later, DB came home from work, ate, and we were watching television when he got up and left the room. When he came back, he had a half full box of Nips caramels. He sat down and we continued watching the "Godfather". I made some comment about how someone in the film treated his wife. Then, very calmly and softly, DB said, "You know, I remember when I was little hearing a story about my mother and father. My father brought home a big piece of cheese. He told my mother that he was going out but when he got back he wanted a big pot of macaroni and cheese made with the cheese he had brought home. So he left but when he came home, there was no macaroni and cheese. My mother had eaten all the cheese. My father was so angry he chased her with a butcher knife." About this time I realized DB was alluding to the ice cream. I almost fell off the couch laughing. I tried my burglar story but for some reason he did not believe it.
Anyway, we continued watching the movie and eating Nips. Finally, I reached for one and there was only one Nips caramel left. Of course, I started laughing thinking about history repeating itself, so I told him I was saving the last one for him. Very quietly, he said it was too late and I could not make it up and said something about a butcher knife. And here I sit half an hour later still laughing me arse off as I write this post.
My grandson once told his first grade teacher that his grandfather was the funniest man in the world. I do think he was right.