
Saturday, August 4, 2012

WARNING: This is an Over-tired-woman-who-is-full-of- migraine-medication-so-is-wired- with-caffeine's very long rant:

                   It is beyond me why people get so hung up about homosexuality.  (Here I used the term "homosexuality" to include both gays and lesbians. Sort of like we used to be able to say "man" or "mankind" meaning humans of both genders, without being considered sexists. I actually remember when the word "homosexual" usually included both men and women.  Damn, I am old.)  Like most heterosexuals, I find homosexuality a curiosity.  Perhaps homosexuals feel that way about heterosexuality.  But I do believe that it is a biologically based preference, just as is heterosexuality. (Of course there are those who would have sex with anyone regardless of gender, personal hygiene, respiration, etc. They are not the subject of this rant. Right or wrong, I just think of them as mindless horny bastards and not necessarily as hetero, bi or homosexual although some certainly may be.) If  homosexuality is a biologically based preference, then one has to question if reproduction really is the main reason for our sex drives.  I know it is not in my case or in the case of most people I know, but I am thinking more regarding evolution.  You know, as old Charley Darwin would view it.  But to me, as long as you have two (or more :-)) consenting and responsible adults, what they do in the bedroom is nobody's business but theirs.

              I cannot understand why religious people who oppose homosexuality citing a biblical basis do not then take the rest of the Bible so literally.  Personally, I think back when there were inheritance issues and extended families living under one roof, there probably was a need for really strict rules about homosexuality, adultery, incest, etc.  I think that is probably the real reason women had to stay so covered up.  The men in the household needed this to keep themselves from having adulterous and incestuous sex. Apparently they were incapable of practicing self-control. And there was the worry about who was having who's child because of inheritance.  I imagine rules against homosexuality probably evolved around these sort of issues. Surely there were homosexuals back then, also. Reproduction meant survival of the group.  No wasting of sperm that could be used to make more kids.     But even more likely the tabu was to maintain order within families and more or less closed communities.  I imagine incest, rape and all sorts of sexual issues arose considering the living arrangements.  This is just my opinion and I don't know if it is credible or not. These issues generally are not valid anymore except perhaps in the Middle East or some other cultures where there are lots of extended families and property issues are so important. Of course, we know homosexuality does not exist in Iran, at least according to President Ahmadinejad! 

                 I also  suspect some people despise homosexuals because they have at one time harbored some of the same feelings as homosexuals even if they did not act upon them, nor want to admit them, and feel guilty or uncomfortable about having done so.  I figure this may be natural.  No one should feel threatened by homosexuals because of this. 

                 On the other hand, I think it ridiculous to talk about amending the Constitution to protect homosexuals.  They are citizens of the US so should already be granted equal rights  and protections on both a federal and state level.  Same with women.  Same with any other minority.  If the Constitution and laws  are upheld, there is no need for special citations.  If they are not, prosecute those who are violating anyone else's civil rights.  We do not need to amend the Constitution or pass hate laws.  We just need to apply the current law equitably.  

        All this being said, I also think Gay Rights Parades and other public celebrations for gays and lesbians stupid.   To me it is as dumb as whores having a parade to flaunt the fact they are whores, or heterosexuals to flaunt their heterosexuality, or people who prefer S and M to promote that.  I just think it stupid to celebrate your sexuality that publicly no matter how discriminated against you may feel you have been.  I am just old fashioned enough to think sex is a private matter.  Not that it shocks me or I am prudish.  I just think, like going to the bathroom, picking your toenails or nose, or a myriad of other pleasant and unpleasant things, some things I just do not care to see publicly displayed.

          Anyway, I think there are lots of valid reasons to hate people but sexual preference is not one of them.  I do not understand how it hurts me if two people of the same gender want to have sex or enter into a legal relationship. With all the other crap there is to worry about, this just seems like a stupid waste of time. And it certainly should  not be an issue in a Presidential campaign.  And another thing is, I am sick to death of liberals who label all conservatives as homophobic.  Most of the ones I know are not.  Sometimes I think a lot of  liberals are the real bigots. And so many just want to be PC.  They rank right up there with the ultra right wingers who are bigots.  I like to think most of us who fit in between these two groups are not. 

           I am a reasonably bright, educated conservative woman who has strong opinions about a lot of things and I do not give a damn about being politically correct. It is about four in the morning, and I have to "get  up" in an hour;  I have had a migraine since February; every other minute my keyboard freezes up so I am not about to proofread this; and I feel like ranting.  Don't even get me going on illegal immigration, social welfare, Obamacare, Obama, the liberal agenda or a zillion other topics. 

 Oh, and I do not give a rat's ass if you agree or disagree with me. I just got ticked off about a few remarks I saw posted on FB on both sides of the issue and decided to state my own opinion. Feel free to keep your opinions to yourself.  This is my blog and no one is making you read it.  Oh, I forgot.  No one reads this blog but me, anyway.