
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sorry, That Item Is Out of Stock and Won't Be In Until The Foreign Manufacturer Reships or Hell Freezes Over

     This morning as I pondered the slow delivery of a ceiling fan, my mind turned toward the economy in general.  I have always considered myself a centrist politically but perhaps I lean more to the right.  In fact, I am pretty sure I do in a lot of areas.  I just think I have a common sense approach to politics. There is not much on the international and national level that when looked at on a smaller scale cannot be made easier to understand.  I just apply what works on a personal level to how I think our government should work.  You know, like in your personal finances, you cannot spend more than you earn or can pay back.  You  do it yourself if it costs too much to hire it done or else you do without.  Do not borrow, but if you do, do not borrow from your enemies.  Do not give money you need to support yourself to your neighbors so they do not have to work.  Do not let uninvited people into your home and then give them all your goods while family members are in need.  In fact, if they arrive uninvited and unwanted, kick them out on their asses. (If they won't go, call the cops.  If the cops don't help, shoot the invaders and get new cops.) There is only so much food on the table.  You take care of your family first.  If you need more money,  get a second job or cut back spending or both.  Buying American is best if the availability, cost and quality of US goods and services meets your needs and wishes. Anyway, that is how I think, and perhaps that will help you understand why, when having to wait on the delivery of a ceiling fan from a foreign country, my mind turned to the economy in general.  .    

   If any of you have ordered appliances of almost any sort lately, you may have noticed more and more how you have to wait on items to arrive because they are out of stock and the manufacturers are overseas.  You have to wait for a new shipment to arrive.  This to me is a very worrisome indicator of our dependency upon foreign imports.  It seems to me that in a land with lots of natural resources and people needing jobs, we should be producing most of our own goods and using the profits to pay off our foreign debts so we can get rid of foreign influence on our economy and politics. I mean, we are so in debt and dependent upon a COMMUNIST government (China) for one. This is insane.  I cannot help but think of scenarios where we become China's satellite country or where it becomes the capitalist state and we the socialist state.  Sound far-fetched to you?  I don't think so. Just try to buy something not made or assembled in another country anymore.  And so many of those things are Chinese.  And if you do not think the Chinese government is anything to worry about, you are totally ignorant of the Chinese government. 

  Sometimes our stupidity and lack of common sense appalls me.   Obviously, we cannot become an isolationist country and we benefit from foreign trade.  But we can cut down on our dependency on other countries, especially where infrastructure and energy is concerned. No foreign individual, company or country should be allowed to own any part of our infrastructure or any part of our defense industry.  I think that is just common sense, a commodity we are short on. We are the hens giving the key to our henhouse to the foxes.

     We could create, or recreate, an atmosphere where US manufacturers actually want to keep their plants in our own country without the US worker having to work for slave wages.  Of course, this would also  involve workers understanding that despite their historical importance, today's unions are nothing more than businesses that do not really give a damn about their membership and cause more harm than good. They are there to keep themselves in the money.  And companies would have to have incentives to keep their business here.  Americans may have to pay a bit more for goods but would end up making more and having a more stable economy.

     Do away with NAFTA!! (You union types should like that.) Even back in the early 1980's when I was living in Europe, it was predictable what would happen to the European economy with its economic union.  The wealthier states would be dragged down trying to give the poorer states a hand up.  I see NAFTA being more of the same. I believe in working with poorer countries to give them a hand up, but we cannot support the entire western hemisphere.  They do have to take on some responsibility for their own governments and economic and social structures. 

     That brings me to undocumented workers.  Illegal immigrants.  Send them home.  It is that simple.  I am not responsible for some kid who has lived here for ten years being sent back to his parents' homeland. And although I understand why they came here, his illegal immigrant parents are responsible for that and should have considered it before they came here illegally. And I do not care where they came from. There already is an appeals system in place for adults who arrived here illegally as babies or young kids and have only known the US as home. This new move by the Obama administration to offer these young people a way to stay is unnecessary and is intended as an election ploy. 

I oppose giving citizenship to babies born here when their parents are here illegally. That is not only rewarding people for committing a crime but encourages more people to come here illegally.

And do not give illegals benefits. (Colorado just made it cheaper for an illegal who has attended at least three years of high school in CO to attend a CO state university than it is for an American citizen of another state to attend a CO state university.  This is nuts and  considering how expensive schooling is and the current economy, policies like these should infuriate every citizen of this country.  You college students who are so hell bent on protesting American businesses, should be protesting this instead. )  Before any of you bleeding hearts start labeling me as a bigot, you should learn that opposing ILLEGAL immigration is not the same as opposing LEGAL immigration.  We all recognize the benefits of controlled, legal immigration.    

I am sick of hearing about how Mexico, Central and South America has been hurt by colonialism.  That has not existed since the 1800s.  Any rotten governments there since have been corrupt in their own right.  Yes, the US has sometimes contributed to the establishment and maintenance of those corrupt governments.  But if your kids keep getting into trouble, how long can you keep blaming the gang he runs around with?  At some point, shouldn't he have to take responsibility for his own actions?  Mexico, and Central and South America need to take care of their own problems and not just replace one dictatorship or corrupt ruler with another.  Hmmm.  Maybe we should follow the same advice the way our government is going.  I am all for kicking the current administration out!

As for US citizens who claim they are put down because of race or economic class--oh, really?  Well, considering all the scholarships and loans available to you, have you actually tried to get an education or training to improve yourself? This means, of course, you may have to put forth a little effort or make a few personal sacrifices along the way so that eventually you can pull yourself up by your own bootstraps like most of the rest of us had to do. Do not use race or social class as an excuse to wallow in your own mess.   I am fed up with hearing it and paying for it.  I see no reason why I have to work to pay my own way and you get a free ride with the taxes I pay.   I washed dishes by hand and cooked for 200-300 kids in a child care facility to help pay my way through school because I could not qualify for Pell grants, all the while paying taxes so other people could get those grants.  So I figure you can do the same.  It took me eleven years to get a degree because I could not afford to go to school full time for a long time.  There are not many government freebies out there for middle aged white women who are married without a cartload of kids.  (By the way, Pell Grants should not be grants. Students should get them as interest free loans which must be paid back either monetarily or through teaching or service of some sort. I would think this could make them more widely available, too.) I could not attend college full time until I earned scholarships as a result of working really hard to get good grades. (Scholarships also are few and far between for middle aged white women who are married. In some ways, our society tends to reward women who divorce and/or who have children out of wedlock with men  who refuse to support their kids.)  Fortunately, my husband was willing to sacrifice so we could scrape together enough money to pay for what scholarships did not cover.  And part of that time we were helping our kids through college, too. By the way, they also had to work more than one job, plus earn scholarships to get through school.  And we were all A students. So you can get some training or schooling to improve your lot.  If you have not done this, then don't tell me how rough you have it and do not expect me to support your whining butt.  Oh, and I did not have more kids than I could afford to raise, plus I had mine within a marriage with a partner willing to help raise them---another economic plus based on good decision making and personal responsibility. The answer is not expanding hand-outs, but promoting personal responsiblity.  I really am not whining because I could not get a government hand out.  I am bitching because I had to pay so others could.

    Don't misunderstand me, anyone can be temporarily unemployed, or have a legitimate physical and or mental disability. Anyone can have a disaster strike that is truly beyond their control.  I have no problem helping these folks. I take issues with those who consider it the taxpayers' responsibility to help perpetuate their learned helplessness, irresponsibility and poor choices.   If this was your own kid acting like this, how long would you support him and listen to him tell you how awful you treat him?  Wouldn't you be an enabler?  Well, our Uncle Sam is an enabler. And he enables at the expense of the taxpayer.

Well, I am coming to the end of my rant.  Too bad that fan is not manufactured here in the US, with American made steel and made by American workers.  Could have saved me a lot of time I wasted on this rant! I need that fan to cool down.