
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gun Control Lunacy

   There are a lot of gun control lunatics out there on both sides of the issue.  You have your idiots who think they should be allowed to carry a gun openly wherever they go and then you have your idiots who think that by totally disarming the populace, there will be less violence.  I, being the voice of reason, of course, fall somewhere in between the two extremes, as I imagine the majority of the population does.

When our forefathers wrote the Second Amendment to the Constitution, they were trying to protect the citizenry from an oppressive government.  Based upon their experiences with British rule, they wanted to be sure that a well armed militia could be maintained to defend the people from both foreign governments and our own government, should the need arise.   This is stated quite clearly.  Back then, states did not supply arms to the militias.  Members supplied their own arms so they needed to be guaranteed the right to do so. 

Also, as many people hunted in order to supply their families with food, I think the Founders assumed that people could keep arms for that purpose and for personal defense.  So I do believe the Second Amendment gives us the right to own and bear arms. 

 But every right guaranteed us in the Constitution has limits.  Everyone knows the old example that although we are guaranteed free speech, we cannot yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater if there is no fire lest we start a panic in which people may be harmed.  And of course we can be held accountable for slander or libel. So, I think it reasonable that we have limits regarding gun ownership and usage.  Convicted felons, minors, and people with a history of mental instability certainly should not be allowed to own guns.  Of course there are criminals who do not have a record of felonies, and people who are mentally unstable but have no record or have not  yet been identified who are running around out here .  So they would slip through the cracks in gun control.  I include minors because I believe that first, minors usually do not possess the judgment required that anyone owning a gun should have, and because in most cases, they cannot be held legally responsible for their acts.  Further, I believe if a minor gets hold of a gun and commits a crime, the gun owner should also be held accountable as it is his responsibility to safeguard his weapon.  

I am totally opposed to open carry, which to me is just an excuse for idiots to try to convince others of how tough they are and that they are standing up for their Second Amendment rights.  Actually, it shows they are unstable enough that they are among those that should not own guns at all.  Carrying a gun is no proof of manhood or toughness.  Also, some of these open carry types use that right to intimidate others.  It works.  I would never go anywhere I saw people, other than legal authorities carrying guns and certainly would not want children there.  

I believe in concealed carry but with restrictions.  First, an in depth background check should be passed.  Second, if a place prohibits firearms, not even concealed carry should be allowed except by legal authorities or in some cases by someone who is legally designated to do so (and who has passed certain checks in order to qualify).  Third, I think there has to be a reasonable need to conceal carry.   

I believe all guns should be registered.  Of course, criminals will still have unregistered guns, but a registration will help identification of gun ownership in some crimes.  Access to this information would require a writ.

I oppose most efforts at more gun legislation simply because I believe there are probably enough, more than enough, laws now but that the problem is lack of enforcement.  Only if a state lacks a law or the people wish to change an existing law should new legislation be passed.  I see this as a state issue but would like to see some uniformity in laws across state lines.

I do not think that gun legislation will prevent incidents like Sandy Hook.  I see that as the fault of the mother who thought introducing an unstable child to guns was a good idea.  And of course she was held accountable for this in a way commensurate with the crime her son committed with weapons she owned and to which he had access.  He killed her. 

I think if someone is determined to kill others, they will with or without a gun.  The thing is a gun is often easier and more practical to get and use than say, a bomb.  But that does not mean that a person who keeps a gun to defend himself in his home or business should be denied that right because some idiot decides to shoot up a school. 

The key to this issue is enforcement.  Make the consequence for committing a crime with a gun so severe it serves as a deterrent.  Make punishment for allowing a minor access to guns that results in shootings, accidental or otherwise, severe and hold the gun owner equally responsible or at least strongly responsible for the minor's actions.  Make gun safety training a requirement for gun ownership and registration. And narrow the definition of stand your ground laws. 

So yes, I favor what I consider responsible gun control, but I do believe people have a right to own guns.  I believe I have a right to shoot anyone illegally entering my home because I have to assume, armed or not, they are willing to do me or my family bodily harm. I would not hesitate to do so.   To not assume this is downright foolish. However, I do not see the need for assault weapons or large caches of weapons by private owners.  

I do not see everyone who favors gun ownership as a pawn of the NRA, a redneck, or threat.  I think those opposed to guns do more to turn off people to control than not, when they try to paint all supporters of gun ownership this way.  And truth is, most gun owners are responsible people.   

And I do not give a damn about what statistics are in other countries.  They are not the US and they have different forms of law enforcement and different cultural issues.  Besides statistics can be jiggled to fit anyone's needs.  For example, gun death statistics usually include suicides, but do not necessarily say so.  In my opinion, a person who wants to kill himself, will do so, gun or no gun.  Also, that should not be considered a crime anyway. It is a personal choice, a stupid one in most cases, but should not be considered a crime.  Yet, it figures into crime statistics. 

Well, that is my rant for the day.  I really don't care whether you agree or not.  My blog. My opinion.