
Friday, March 2, 2012

FaceBook Sucks

I hate FaceBook.  I have had an account, closed the account, reopened the account and now am considering closing it again.  I suppose FaceBook can serve useful purposes but for me, I feel as if I have to walk on eggshells while navigating my account.  While I do not think FaceBook is the appropriate venue for hanging one's laundry out to dry, I do feel that if someone posts something that can call for varying opinions as a response, especially if it is posted on my wall, I should have a right to respectfully respond with my opinion even if it varies from the opinion of the person who placed the original post.  If they do not want dissenting opinion, they should either block the post from me or not post.  I gather it is okay for me to listen to their inane ideas, but how dare I disagree?  There are a lot of people out there who seem to have this attitude.  I don't have a desire to start an argument or offend anyone on Facebook, and I do not care to write anything I would not care if the world heard because heaven only knows who will end up seeing the comments I make.  However, if Facebook is only for positive remarks that cause no dissention, why bother?  I can use a greeting card for that. And while it is nice to be polite, I am sick to death of having to be politically or socially "correct" when that is not what I think.  So once again, I can either just monitor FaceBook or drop out.  I know I will probably not hear from people I like hearing from if I drop out, and that is the only reason I can think of to keep my account open.  Maybe it is just me that thinks FaceBook sucks in so many ways, I don't know. But more and more, the little irritations associated with using it are beginning to outweigh the good aspects of FaceBook.