
Monday, October 17, 2011

Sex, Pedicure and Samuel Morse

I have a multitude of sleep issues which either prevent my dreaming or influence my dreams.  I have often thought I should write a book about my dreams.  However, some are better kept to myself, or shared only with DB.  Today, I fell asleep on the couch and had a really interesting dream.  The first part is X rated, but quickly changed into an adventure in espionage.  I dreamed my cousin (a blondish female of indeterminate age) was being held by the Russians behind German lines during WWII.  Who said this had to make sense?  Anyway, my job was to relay information between her and the Allies and arrange her escape.  I found a rather unique way of doing this.  At first I started by using thin orange lines of varying lengths painted on my toenails.  These lines were a code.  But I really started getting good results when I painted my toe nails bright blue with lemon yellow dots and dashes, representing  Morse Code.  I finally managed to get her out with the Soviets hot on our trail.  
I think there may be a use for this in the next James Bond film.  I doubt it has been done before.